Excel Centers

For more information: Click Contact link in the top menu or click on the link to an Excel Center on the home page
Students and faculty, click below to learn what each of the Excel Centers can do to help you be successful.
We offer in-person and online academic support, including individual and group tutoring, and conversation table sessions. Please call or email to consult with an LC staff member or the Director (Jesse Perez) to discuss the most effective and convenient means of interaction for you.
Students – The Excel Languages Center is located in Dwire Hall, Room 270. Check the LC website for updated hours and methods of accessing our services.
What We Do for Students - Assist students with academic strategies, study skills, language learning, conversational skills, and general language skill mastery. Our staff provides tutoring, mentoring and language resources for students while working with students to develop specific techniques related to learning their target language.
Tutoring is available one-on-one or in small groups. Tutors can provide general support in addition to specific support with assignments and skills designated by the student’s instructors or on skills and tasks identified by the student.
Contact Information
Telephone: (719) 255-3690
E-mail: LangsCtr@uccs.edu
Website: https://languagescenter.uccs.edu/
Faculty and Staff – The LC works collaboratively with Staff and Faculty to enhance students’ academic experiences by providing them with opportunities to apply what they learn in class and further practice and develop their target language skills with a skilled Tutor. We are available to work with you to develop a support program that's right for you and your students. Contact the LC Director (Jesse Perez) to discuss how the LC can help you meet your needs.
If you have questions, please contact the LC Director (Jesse Perez) to discuss how the LC can best support you.
We offer drop-in tutoring, PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions), and group workshops, both in person and online via Microsoft Teams.
Students - Stop in at the Math Center in Engineering 233 any time to get a cup of coffee, study, do homework, hang out with friends or consult with a tutor. We also have computers and textbooks for your use. In Teams, you can join the Math Center team or your specific PASS team at any time to post a comment or question, and someone will respond during our open hours. See the Tutor schedule and PASS schedule on the Math Center website for hours.
Access the teams by clicking the link on the website. You can also open Teams and click on "Join or create a team" and type "Math Center" in the search box.
Faculty and Staff – Please contact Dr. Jenny Dorrington to discuss additional ways we can work with you to meet your students' needs.
If you have questions, please email Dr. Dorrington or contact her through Microsoft Teams. You can also join the general Math Center Team, and our front desk staff will help you.
We offer in-person and online academic support, including individual and group consultations, and workshops. Students can schedule appointments with us through WCOnline.
Students - The Excel Multiliteracy Center (Columbine Hall 312 & 316) offers in-person and real-time online appointments. Our staff of peer consultants help students brainstorm, organize writing and presentations, clarify arguments, integrate sources, think critically, communicate effectively, and offer suggestions for revisions. However, we do not complete assignments for students or copyedit work. In addition, we offer a wide variety of academic and social workshops that are created and presented by our staff. Our space is also available for students to study, grab a cup of coffee or tea, play board games, and hang out in.
Faculty and Staff - We offer many in-class and in-center workshops on a wide range of academic topics, from resume advice to APA guidelines (to name but a few). We are also available to provide individualized feedback on assignment prompts and guidelines for your courses.
If you have questions, please contact Dr. Matthew Balk, Senior Director, or Tess Kyner, Director of Communication Programs, for more information.
Our goal is to help students achieve maximally, and to do this we work with students and faculty to create programs and an environment that benefit our University community.
Students – We are the place to come for support for your science classes. Although we offer high quality, unlimited, and in-person individual and group tutoring, we offer students so much more. For instance, we have
Faculty and Staff – We are available to help you by providing problem-solving sessions for your students. This allows them to work with fellow students and a peer tutor to develop the understanding and skills that are required to do well in science courses. We will work with you to develop a support program that's right for you and your students. We also offer space for you to hold office hours, thus allowing you to meet with multiple students at once in a welcoming space with whiteboards and a projector.
We are located in Centennial Hall, room 204. Feel free to stop by and see all that we have to offer. If you have questions, please email Dr. Phillips or call 719-255-3649.